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Spokane Trends
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All Indicators at a Glance

People   return to top

Population & Age

0.1.1 Total Population & Annual Growth Rate 0.1.2 Median Age of the Population 0.1.3 Population by Age Groups 0.1.4 Veteran Population

Migration & Immigration

0.2.1 Residual Net Migration 0.2.2 Foreign-Born Population 0.2.3 POC Population as Share of Total 0.2.4 Non-English Speaking Population

In The Home

0.3.1 Average Household Size 0.3.2 Single Parent Families 0.3.3 Share of Households with Internet Connection 0.3.4 Total & Share of Households with Broadband

Civic Involvement

0.4.1 Registered Voters 0.4.2 Voter Participation Rate

Culture & Recreation   return to top


1.1.1 Arts-Related Businesses

Recreation & Tourism

1.2.1 Local Govt. Expenditures on Parks & Rec 1.2.2 Miles of Paved Bike Trails 1.2.3 Accommodation Retail Sales

Community Involvement

1.3.1 Attendance at Public Facilities

Economic Vitality   return to top


2.1.1 Median Household Income 2.1.2 Per Capita Personal Income 2.1.3 Income Distribution 2.1.4 Overall Average Annual Wage 2.1.5 Avg. Annual Wage in Top-5 Employing Sectors 2.1.6 Median Household Income by Family Type

Economic Activity

2.2.1 Cost of Living Index 2.2.2 GDP by Major Sectors 2.2.3 New Business Applications 2.2.4 Annual Taxable Retail Sales 2.2.5 Total & Share of Very Small Businesses 2.2.6 Non-employer Est Total & Per 1,000 Residents

Real Estate

2.3.1 Assessed Value of Total Taxable Property 2.3.2 Value of New Construction 2.3.3 Residential Building Permits 2.3.4 Multi-Family Residential Building Permits 2.3.5 Quarterly Residential Building Permits

Labor Force

2.4.1 Total Employed & Unemployment Rate 2.4.2 Civilian Labor Force & Participation Rate 2.4.3 Employment Shares in Top-5 Sectors 2.4.4 Employment Shares by Occupation 2.4.5 Share of Employment by Age Group 2.4.6 Net Jobs Created 2.4.7 Share of Residents Employed Outside County 2.4.8 Share of Jobs by Educational Attainment 2.4.9 Share of Employment by Type of Employer 2.4.10 Net Jobs Created at 10% Higher Earnings 2.4.12 Share of Employment by Firm Size


2.5.1 Total Population Living in Poverty 2.5.2 Youth Living in Poverty 2.5.3 Older Adults Living in Poverty 2.5.4 ALICE Household Survival Budget 2.5.5 K-12 Free/Reduced Price Lunch Program 2.5.6 USDA Supplemental Nutrition Program 2.5.7 Children Receiving TANF Benefits 2.5.8 Share of Disabled Population in Poverty

Race & Ethnicity

2.6.1 Median Household Income by Race/Ethnicity 2.6.2 Earnings by Race/Ethnicity 2.6.3 POC-owned: Total & Share of All Businesses 2.6.4 Total & Share of Employment by POC Firms 2.6.5 POC Share of Employment 2.6.6 POC Share of Employment by Sectors 2.6.7 Unemployment Rate by Race/Ethnicity 2.6.8 Poverty Rates by Race / Ethnicity

Education   return to top

Early Learning

3.1.1 Early Education Enrollment 3.1.2 Kindergarten Readiness 3.1.3 Early Learning Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity 3.1.4 Kindergarten Readiness by Race/Ethnicity


3.2.1 Number of FTE Students per FTE Teachers 3.2.2 Students in Special Education 3.2.3 English Language Learners: Total & Share 3.2.4 Alternate Instruction High School Enrollment 3.2.5 Dual Credit Course Enrollment 3.2.6 Students with Low Commitment to School 3.2.7 Suspensions of Students with Disabilities 3.2.8 Student Suspension or Expulsion 3.2.9 Student Attendance 3.2.10 Share of Students Not Feeling Safe 3.2.11 Share of Students Poor Academic Performance 3.2.12 Levy Revenue per FTE Pupil & Share of TPI

K-12 Student Outcomes

3.3.1 Dropout Rate: 9th & 10th Grades 3.3.2 Dropout Rate: 11th & 12th Grades 3.3.3 Public HS On-Time Graduation Rate 3.3.4 Public HS Extended Graduation Rate 3.3.5 Graduation Rates: Low Income & Homeless

K-12 Funding

Higher Education

3.5.1 1st-Year Post High School Enrollment 3.5.2 Population 18+ Enrolled 3.5.3 Students Completing FAFSA 3.5.4 Workforce Training at Community Colleges 3.5.5 Retention Rates at Local Universities 3.5.6 Regional Graduation Rates 3.5.7 STEM Degrees Granted 3.5.8 First Year Post HS Enrollment Low Income 3.5.9 Graduation Rates by Financial Aid Status 3.5.10 Students Enrolled in CC for Basic Skills

Educational Attainment

3.6.1 Population with a High School Diploma 3.6.2 Population with an Associate's Degree 3.6.3 Population with a BA or Graduate Degree

Students of Color

3.7.1 Share of Classroom Teachers Race/Ethnicity 3.7.2 HS Graduation Rates: Students of Color 3.7.3 Graduation Rates Undergrad Students by Race 3.7.4 Two Year Higher Ed Enrollment by Race 3.7.5 Four Year Higher Ed Enrollment by Race

Environment   return to top

Air & Water Quality

4.1.1 Air Quality Days 4.1.2 Water Quality: Spokane River 4.1.3 Water Quality Little Spokane & Hangman Creek 4.1.4 Water Temperature Index 4.1.5 PM 2.5 Concentration 4.1.6 Phosphorous Index, Spokane River 4.1.7 Phosphorous Index Little Spokane & Hangman 4.1.8 Dissolved Oxygen Index Spokane River 4.1.9 Dissolved Oxygen, Little Spokane & Hangman


4.2.1 Average and Maximum Annual Air Temperature 4.2.2 Green House Gas Emissions 4.2.3 Annual Aquifer Levels & Water Consumption 4.2.4 Quarterly Aquifer Levels and Water Quality 4.2.5 Lowest Annual River Flow 4.2.6 Number of Weeks in Drought 4.2.7 Snowpack at Mt Spokane 4.2.8 Acres Burned in Wildfires 4.2.9 Total Annual High Heat Days

Land Use

4.3.1 Population Density 4.3.3 Acreage of Protected Conservation Land 4.3.4 Total & Share of Unincorporated Population 4.3.5 Tree Canopy

Public Works & Energy

4.4.1 Water Consumption per Capita 4.4.2 Electricity Consumption by Type 4.4.3 Renewable Energy Consumption 4.4.4 Municipal Solid Waste: Total & Per Capita 4.4.5 Recycled Solid Waste: Total & Share 4.4.6 Annual Electricity Consumption

Local Wildlife

Health   return to top

Vital Statistics

5.1.1 Deaths by Leading Causes 5.1.2 Hospitalizations by Four Leading Causes 5.1.3 Alcohol or Drug Related Deaths 5.1.4 Food Insecurity 5.1.5 Top 3 Chronic Diseases Rate 5.1.6 Opioid-Related Deaths 5.1.7 Life Expectancy at Birth 5.1.8 Life Expectancy by Zip Code 5.1.9 Suicide Rate 5.1.10 Opioid Prescriptions Rate

Youth Rates

5.2.1 Overweight & Obesity 5.2.2 Youth Reporting Abuse by an Adult 5.2.3 Youth Hopelessness 5.2.4 Teen Birth Rate 5.2.5 Youths Who Have Considered Suicide 5.2.6 Youth Deaths by Type 5.2.7 Infant Mortality Rate 5.2.8 Infant Mortality by Leading Causes

Adult Rates

5.3.1 Adults Reporting Poor Mental Health

Access to Care

5.4.1 Uninsured Population 5.4.2 Uninsured Population by Age Group 5.4.3 Local Govt. Expenditures on Mental Health 5.4.4 First Trimester Prenatal Care 5.4.5 Local Govt. Expenditures on Public Health

People of Color

5.5.1 Life Expectancy by Race/Ethnicity 5.5.2 Cancer Deaths by Race/Ethnicity 5.5.3 Alzheimer's Deaths by Race/Ethnicity 5.5.4 Heart Disease Deaths by Race/Ethnicity 5.5.5 Stroke Deaths by Race/Ethnicity 5.5.6 Covid-19 Deaths by Race/Ethnicity

Housing   return to top

Owner Occupied

6.1.1 Homeownership Rate 6.1.2 Homeownership Rates by Income 6.1.3 Homeownership Rates by Race & Ethnicity 6.1.4 Homeowners Paying 30%+ of Income on Shelter 6.1.5 Homeowners Paying 50%+ of Income on Shelter 6.1.6 Total & Share of Housing Units by Type 6.1.7 Total & Share of Multi-Generational HHs

Renting Households

6.2.1 Rental Vacancy Rate 6.2.2 Renters Paying 30%+ of Income on Shelter 6.2.3 Renters Paying 50%+ of Income on Shelter 6.2.4 Income Required for Fair Market Rent 6.2.5 Housing Wage Gap 6.2.6 Fair Market Rents, 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments 6.2.7 One Bedroom Rent & Vacancy Rate 6.2.8 Two Bedroom Rent & Vacancy Rate

Housing Market

6.3.1 Median Home Resale Price 6.3.2 All Buyers Affordability Index 6.3.3 Housing Supply by Price Level 6.3.4 Housing Affordability Index First Time Buyer 6.3.5 Mortgage Denials to Whites & POC


6.4.1 Homeless Students 6.4.2 Homeless Youth Under 18 6.4.3 Homeless Families with Children 6.4.4 One-Day Homeless Count 6.4.5 Homeless Persons by Racial Shares 6.4.6 Share of Housing Units Crowded 6.4.7 Number of Days Homeless 6.4.8 PIT Homeless Counts & Median Rent 6.4.9 Conditions Contributing to Homeless 6.4.10 Share Exits to Permanent Supported Housing 6.4.11 Returns to Homelessness by Shelter Type

Public Safety   return to top

Vital Statistics

7.1.1 Overall Adult Arrest Rate 7.1.2 Adult Incarceration Rates by Race 7.1.3 Overall Arrests for Drug Violations 7.1.4 Property Crimes: Total & Rate 7.1.5 Violent Crimes: Total & Rate 7.1.6 Reported Sexual Assaults: Total & Rate 7.1.7 Share of Arrests by Race 7.1.8 Firearm Related Deaths 7.1.9 Recidivism: Original Crime and 3-Year Rates 7.1.11 Violent Crimes Involving a Firearm

Youth Rates

7.2.1 Overall Youth Arrests: Total & Rate 7.2.2 Youth Suicides & Suicide Attempts 7.2.3 Youth Being Bullied 7.2.4 Total & Share of Youth Property Arrests 7.2.5 Youth Arrests for Violent Crimes 7.2.6 Share of Youth Taking Weapons to School 7.2.7 Gun Incidents in Public Schools 7.2.8 Youth Claiming to be in a Gang 7.2.9 Share of Youth in After School Activities 7.2.10 Youth Prosocial Opportunities

Domestic Issues

7.3.1 Domestic Violence Rate 7.3.3 Child Abuse & Neglect


7.4.1 Law Enforcement Officers: Total & Rate 7.4.2 Local Govt. Expenditures on Law Enforcement 7.4.3 Local Govt. Expenditures on Substance Abuse 7.4.4 Adults Admitted into Treatment Services

Fire & EMS

7.5.1 Fire & EMS Incidents 7.5.2 Average EMS Response Time in Minutes

Transportation   return to top

Commuting & Expenses

8.1.1 Total Commuters & Average Time of Commute 8.1.2 Daily Vehicle Miles Traveled 8.1.3 Average Annual Traveler Delay 8.1.4 Local Govt. Expenditures on Roads

Public Transit

8.2.1 STA Ridership & Annual Growth Rate 8.2.2 STA Ridership Revenue by Type of Transport

Airport Activities

8.3.1 Spokane Int. Airport: Total Enplanements

Priority Spokane   return to top

Unique Indicators

9.1.1 Students At Risk of Academic Failure 9.1.4 Negative Home Environment 9.1.6 Maternal Education

Shared Indicators

3.2.9 Student Attendance 3.3.1 Dropout Rate: 9th & 10th Grades 3.3.2 Dropout Rate: 11th & 12th Grades 3.3.3 Public HS On-Time Graduation Rate 3.3.4 Public HS Extended Graduation Rate 5.2.3 Youth Hopelessness 5.2.4 Mental Health or Substance Use 6.4.1 Homeless Students